

Webinar BlueUp – Wirepas | From indoor tracking to distributed monitoring: one platform fits all

Webinar BlueUp – Wirepas | From indoor tracking to distributed monitoring: one platform fits all

IoT requires reliable and robust solutions, but which are at the same time simple, scalable and easy to install. To find out how to make it possible, re-watch the webinar with Eden Suire from Wirepas, and Arianna Buccero and Alessio Cucini from BlueUp.

In this webinar, we have shown how Wirepas wireless mesh technology constitutes the backbone used by BlueUp to create a multi-service IoT platform for smart environments (building, factory, warehouse, hospital, …), which allows to simultaneously manage presence and access control, asset tracking, workers safety, sensor monitoring, actuator control, beacon management. All with a single wireless and cable-free infrastructure.

Review the webinar held on June 22nd 2022.
Click here to watch the streaming on Youtube.