RTLS Platforms

The platform with the perfect balance between cost and performanceLocateBLE
LocateBLE features
LocateBLE is compatible with all BLE devices with iBeacon advertising packets.
• Fixed locators. Fixed locators are installed at known positions inside the environment where localization is required.
• Position of the locators. Locators are installed on the ceiling or on walls for indoor systems, on poles for outdoor systems.
• Density of locators. Density of locators depends on the required accuracy in a certain zone: a rule-of-thumb is to use inter-antenna distance 3-to-5 times the required accuracy.
• Position calculation. Each locator receives the signal from Bluetooth LE tags, and computes RSSI.
• Wiring. Locators are connected through LAN/WLAN to a local server where the BlueUp Positioning Engine is installed.
BlueUp Positioning Engine integrates advanced algorithms based on trilateration, that allows to compute tag position from RSSI information from each locator. Also, an estimate of the error is provided. Thus the tag location is actually a circular area centered on the estimated position.
BlueUp Positioning Engine provides REST APIs in standard JSON format, that allows to get tag(s) position in real time.

Asset tags and wearable tags are wireless electronic devices that are applied to the assets/people to be tracked.
Tags are active devices, equipped with a battery, capable of autonomously sending information (unique identifier and any status information, such as battery level) to the antennas.
Fixed locators receive signals from the tags.
Locators are connected through LAN/WLAN to a local server where the Zone Positioning Engine (ZPE) is installed.

BlueUp Positioning Engine integrates advanced algorithms based on trilateration, that allows to compute tag position from RSSI information from each locator.
In the case of sensor integration, tags or locators can also transmit physical or environmental parameters, such as temperature, humidity, pressure, CO2, together with their unique identifier.