
RTLS & Smart Lighting: a winning partnership!

RTLS & Smart Lighting: a winning partnership!

The need to trace goods and people in working contexts (factories, warehouses, offices, hospitals) is growing exponentially, and therefore the adoption of Smart Tracking technologies such as, for example, RTLS (Real-Time Locating Systems), is increasingly common. These solutions, in addition to the mere tracking of goods and people, are a valuable source of data collection of various...

ZETAQLAB and BLUEUP collaborate to integrate RTLS solutions into lighting control systems

ZETAQLAB and BLUEUP collaborate to integrate RTLS solutions into lighting control systems

BlueUp Srl and ZETAQLAB SpA, young and dynamic Italian SMEs, announce the start of a collaboration aimed at developing solutions for asset tracking and indoor localization, integrated within lighting control systems. The need to trace goods and people in working contexts (factories, warehouses, offices, hospitals) is growing exponentially, driven by the implementation of new methodologies and new operational approaches inspired...