
Centre Hospitalier de Perpignan: Medical Equipment Tracking

Centre Hospitalier de Perpignan: Medical Equipment Tracking

The Centre Hospitalier de Perpignan needed to improve the management and real-time tracking of infusion pumps and electrical beds, both essential for the daily operations of any hospital. These assets, particularly sought after by technicians for maintenance, are among those most frequently moved within the facility. For this reason, the implementation of a continuous monitoring system was necessary to reduce search times, optimize resource usage, and ensure timely maintenance. Additionally, it was crucial to easily locate lost equipment and return those temporarily borrowed from other departments....

Personnel Tracking and Management

Personnel Tracking and Management

A system that facilitates communication between staff and management can improve the flow of information, reducing response times and increasing operational responsiveness. Optimized personnel management can reduce downtime, increase productivity and improve the quality of the final product. Ensuring worker safety is a top priority. Monitoring the location of personnel in large facilities in real time can prevent accidents and facilitate emergency operations...

ATLAS Project RTLS in the hospital setting

ATLAS Project RTLS in the hospital setting

In order for an hospital to improve its performance, the starting point is undoubtedly the efficiency of operational processes involving staff (doctors, nurses) and the optimization of the use of hospital assets (medical devices, stretchers, wheelchairs , ...). A study conducted by the consulting firm Gartner estimated that every year between 10% and 20% of the inventory of hospital assets is misallocated or even lost. In the worst cases this causes a loss of up to 5,000 USD / year per single bed...