
New SafeX Watch

New SafeX Watch

The SafeX family is growing: SafeX Watch has arrived! We are excited to announce the addition of a new addition to our SafeX family of wearables designed for indoor location and security: the SafeX Watch. Versatility and comfort What sets the SafeX Watch apart is its versatility. This wearable device adapts perfectly to every need,...

From monitoring to safety: RTLS improve the efficiency of steel mills

From monitoring to safety: RTLS improve the efficiency of steel mills

Steel mills play a crucial role in the economic-production context. The steel sector, however, is as important as it is complex. Indeed, steel mills are difficult environments due to the sophisticated industrial processes they must necessarily use. Effectively managing these complexities requires technical expertise, attention to safety and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability. A...

Healthcare and increased personnel safety

Healthcare and increased personnel safety

The health emergency of recent years has highlighted how important is to ensure operational efficiency in Public Health. However, operational efficiency is not always easy to achieve, especially in the healthcare sector, where the causes of slack and delays are numerous. One of these is the frequent episodes of physical and verbal aggression against doctors...

BlueUp launches SafeX Tracer, wearable BLE device for contact tracing

BlueUp launches SafeX Tracer, wearable BLE device for contact tracing

BlueUp launches SafeX Tracer, a wearable Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) device designed as a technological aid to control the distance between operators and the tracing of contacts in the workplace for post-emergency management of the Covid-19 epidemic. SafeX Tracer, when worn by an operator, is able to detect other nearby devices. When two or more operators approach each...

New BLE advertising packet for RTLS and safety

New BLE advertising packet for RTLS and safety

The demand for beacon-based applications for the location and safety of workers in industrial environments is hugely increasing, thus, leading to the development of new BLE solutions, either based on standard or proprietary formats, to provide information on the location and status of the worker Following this market demand, BlueUp has developed Safety advertising packet, supported by...