
New SafeX Watch

New SafeX Watch

The SafeX family is growing: SafeX Watch has arrived! We are excited to announce the addition of a new addition to our SafeX family of wearables designed for indoor location and security: the SafeX Watch. Versatility and comfort What sets the SafeX Watch apart is its versatility. This wearable device adapts perfectly to every need,...

New website: out now!

New website: out now!

Behind the scenes of our new site: a journey into innovation, design and structure Let’s retrace together the process that led us to transform our new website. Every choice, from the structure of the pages to the visual design, was guided by the goal of creating a more fluid and intuitive browsing experience. We will...

Unconventional use cases

Unconventional use cases

Real-Time Location Systems appear to be increasingly important in the most varied contexts. The areas in which their implementation is increasingly necessary include industry, healthcare, logistics and intelligent buildings. Such systems provide the ability to locate and track the position of objects, people or resources within a physical space in real time. RTLS systems can...

RTLS in senior care: optimizing assistance and safety

RTLS in senior care: optimizing assistance and safety

BlueUp and Norada Corporation have joined forces to offer an economical, flexible and efficient solution for senior care. Senior care is experiencing an unprecedented transformation thanks to Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS), offering insights into the whereabouts of residents, staff, and essential items. With RTLS, providers can ensure residents safety and well-being while optimizing resources and...

From monitoring to safety: RTLS improve the efficiency of steel mills

From monitoring to safety: RTLS improve the efficiency of steel mills

Steel mills play a crucial role in the economic-production context. The steel sector, however, is as important as it is complex. Indeed, steel mills are difficult environments due to the sophisticated industrial processes they must necessarily use. Effectively managing these complexities requires technical expertise, attention to safety and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability. A...

RTLS & Smart Lighting: a winning partnership!

RTLS & Smart Lighting: a winning partnership!

The need to trace goods and people in working contexts (factories, warehouses, offices, hospitals) is growing exponentially, and therefore the adoption of Smart Tracking technologies such as, for example, RTLS (Real-Time Locating Systems), is increasingly common. These solutions, in addition to the mere tracking of goods and people, are a valuable source of data collection of various...

Discover the new TinyGateway family by BlueUp: versatility and IoT connection at your fingertips

Discover the new TinyGateway family by BlueUp: versatility and IoT connection at your fingertips

BlueUp is proud to introduce the new TinyGateway family, a series of innovative products that allow to implement low-cost, robust and high-density short-range IoT applications, with unprecedented performance, offering advanced functionality in a compact and flexible format. TinyGateway family includes ten different variants, each offering specific features to meet various user needs. All the devices of the...

Why choose Bluetooth® LE for your RTLS projects

Why choose Bluetooth® LE for your RTLS projects

Bluetooth Low Energy Bluetooth Low Energy was born as part of the basic Bluetooth 4.0 specification. Initially designed by Nokia as Wibree, and then adopted by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG), its initial goal was to provide a radio standard with the lowest possible power consumption, specifically optimized for communication between smart devices over...

Healthcare and increased personnel safety

Healthcare and increased personnel safety

The health emergency of recent years has highlighted how important is to ensure operational efficiency in Public Health. However, operational efficiency is not always easy to achieve, especially in the healthcare sector, where the causes of slack and delays are numerous. One of these is the frequent episodes of physical and verbal aggression against doctors...

RTLS for Asset Management

RTLS for Asset Management

The theme of corporate waste is now very much felt by companies, both small and medium-sized and large ones. The attention to reducing waste in the business environment began to have great importance especially starting from the 1950s with the introduction of the Toyota Production System. Toyota Production System is a system developed by the Japanese...