The kä (Austria, Carinthia, Klagenfurt) is the state museum of Carinthia. This year it was reopened, and for this reopening the curators wanted to equip the museum with an innovative digital guide.
The goal was to develop an innovative digital guide system with apps and mobile web, to provide a multimedia visit experience easily usable by all visitors and to create a place for meeting, training, conversation, discussion.
For the development of this innovative digital guide system, the museum relied on the xamoom CMS. The xamoom CMS provides a single platform for the management and control of all digital content, audio guides and information in all state museum locations in the Carinthia region.
xamoom, for the development of the guides, has decided to equip all the museum rooms with beacons in Bluetooth Low Energy technology. Bluetooth® LE beacons, in combination with the SmartApp, provide a complete multimedia user experience.
In fact, when the smartphone approaches a beacon in a specific room, thanks to the proximity between the two devices, the application installed on the smartphone is able to automatically provide all the information of interest relating to the aforementioned room.
For this project, xamoom has chosen to use BlueUp Maxi Bluetooth® LE beacons. An important element that was taken into particular consideration by xamoom for the realization of the project is that the building is 143 years old, and therefore the structure is relatively ancient. For this reason the technologies used required non-invasive installation and retrofit applicability. These were two of the main criteria for choosing to use Bluetooth® LE beacons, which are minimally invasive on a visual and structural level, and work on long-lasting batteries (therefore without the need for any wiring).
The result was the creation of a digital guide, as per the initial objective.
The main feature of the application created by xamoom is the audio guide, but this is then supported by text, images, 3D widgets and videos.
Visitors to the have two options: they can download the museum application onto their personal smartphone or, if they prefer, they have the option of renting a museum-owned tablet with the application already installed.
Furthermore, the guide is not designed only for an experience limited to a single visit to the museum; in fact, even after the visitor leaves the museum, he will continue to have access to much more information on the numerous Carinthian museum locations in the region, in order to be encouraged to plan new visits, or simply to be able to obtain information even remotely about the works contained in the other seats. Thanks to the use of the application, the digital guided tour becomes a multimedia experience.
Furthermore, the guide is not designed only for an experience limited to a single visit to the museum; in fact, even after the visitor leaves the museum, he will continue to have access to much more information on the numerous Carinthian museum locations in the region, in order to be encouraged to plan new visits, or simply to be able to obtain information even remotely about the works contained in the other seats.
Thanks to the use of the application, the digital guided tour becomes a multimedia experience.