The Carinthia Museum (Austria, Carinthia, Klagenfurt) is the state museum of Carinthia. This year it was reopened, and for this reopening the curators wanted to equip the museum with an innovative digital guide...
Smart Ticketing
Making public transport more efficient (eliminating waste of time, delays, paper tickets) and cheaper (charging only the actual route traveled and not a fixed fee per ticket) means encouraging more people to use public transport: this result would lead to a less use of private cars, which consequently would lead to a reduction in traffic, and therefore to a decrease in air pollution and noise pollution.
Opera del Duomo Museum, Florence
The Museum was founded in 1891 and has 6,000 square meters of exhibition space, divided into 28 rooms and three floors. Here are preserved numerous monuments whose authors range from Michelangelo, to Donatello, Brunelleschi, Ghiberti and many others...
Galleria Borghese Museum
How to optimize the flow in order not to stop the museum activity and improve the customer experience?
Pedibus Smart
Have you ever heard about Pedibus? Pedibus (or Piedibus) is a form of transport for elementary and lower middle school pupils who are accompanied on foot to school by adults. With this system, the children at the "Pedibus stop" (instead of the bus stop) join a group led by some adult volunteers who will accompany them to school. The same happens when you leave school when you return home...