After the success of the 2017 edition, BlueUp returns to IoThings Milan 2018, which will take place in Milan on April 10 and 11, 2018, in the location of the Palazzo del Ghiaccio. IoThings Milan 2018 is the most important Italian event dedicated to Internet of Things, and includes a series of conferences and workshops and an exhibition part.
BlueUp will be present as a startup sponsor. The event will be an opportunity to present our latest and upcoming products:
– BlueBeacon Cloud, the back-end platform for remote monitoring and management of beacons has been updated with new features. Now it is available in the FREE version (no fee) and in the ENTERPRISE version (configurable, with yearly fee). Among the most interesting updates: possibility to attach a name, a position and a photo to a beacon, update of beacons configuration from back-end (using BlueBeacon Manager app or new BlueBeacon Gateway) and integration with Android Nearby Notifications;
– BlueBeacon Gateway has been redesigned to improve performance and increase functionality. The new version integrates a Bluetooth5-ready BLE module and allows you to have different BLE antenna alternatives: integrated directional, integrated omnidirectional, external antenna connector. In addition, the new BlueBeacon Gateway manages the connection with the beacons: in this way it will be possible not only to remotely monitor the status of the beacon, but also to modify its configuration from BlueBeacon Cloud with just one click from. Furthermore, customized functions will be possible (eg: turning on a led or opening/closing a contact on the beacon). Additional features are: simple web interface for configuration, REST APIs for integration with third-party back-end systems, optional RTC;
– BlueBeacon Locate: BLE-based RTLS platform for Industry 4.0 applications. BlueBeacon Locate is a scalable solution that provide localization with different levels of accuracy: from a zone-based localization (Z-RTLS) to a precise submeter-scale localization (XY-RTLS);
– new models of BLE beacons: BlueBeacon Board/B, for industrial application; BlueBeacon Tag, will be updated with chip nRF52832; BlueBeacon Card, new badge-format BLE beacon with nRF52832 chip; BlueBeacon Puck, provided in disk enclosure suitable for wearable applications. BlueBeacon Tag and Card will also be available with Quuppa-ready firmware, supporting all functionality of Quuppa technology.
Moreover, BlueUp will held the workshop “Bluetooth Low Energy beacons: an emerging technology for AutoID and RTLS“, to be held on April 10th as part of the Embedded IoT session of the conference.